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Summertime Tips For Kids With Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) - PART 2


Every child is different, so the warning signs of an impending sensory overload episode vary depending on who the child is. Parents, of course, know their children best, so they tend to be the most in-tune with what signs to look out for.



Kids with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Can Become Easily Overwhelmed in the Summertime. PSA: Warning Signs of Sensory Overload! Part 2



With that being said, there are commonalities that many children share, especially during the hot summer months. Here are a few to watch out for:

  • Anxiety. You might think this one is easy to look out for, but not all children exhibit symptoms of anxiety equally. Some children will hide behind their parents, breathe rapidly, or even show signs of hyperactivity. Other children will seem to zone out and have trouble focusing on one thing. You know your child best - pay attention to their behavior.
  • Sweating. This one is pretty simple to see, but how can you tell the difference between sweating caused by sensory overload and sweating because it's hot out? Once againknowing your child is key. Pay close attention for other warning signs to pair with sweating, such as dizziness, anxiety, or restlessness.
  • Headache/Dizziness. Children will often get a headache and/or become dizzy when they are overstimulated. Younger children, or those with more severe disabilities, may not be able to just say, "My head hurts," or "I have a headache." Look for signs of a headache, such as covering the eyes, rubbing the temples, or seeking out darker spaces.
  • Vomiting. Yes, if children are severely overstimulated, they will vomit. Vomiting, just like tantrums, is one of the most clear warning signs of sensory overload. If your child begins to vomit, it's time to move them to a quieter, cooler area.
  • Tantrums. The warning sign we all know. Tantrums can happen anywhere, anytime, and it's not fun for anyone. If your child has a tantrum caused by sensory overload, consider breaking out the items in your sensory kit. Scolding the child in this scenario will not help. If scolding is necessary, wait until after the child has calmed down.
  • Covering the eyes and/or ears. Children who are overstimulated tend to try and cover their eyes and/or ears to block out incoming sensory stimuli. Sometimes, this symptom will be paired with tantrums, vomiting, sweating, or flushed cheeks. 
  • Restlessness. This particular symptom is harder to spot, especially because a child who is restless may just appear to have a lot of energy. If you've been out in a chaotic environment for a long time and your child seems to have unlimited energy, is having trouble focusing, and isn't listening to you, you may have a child who is overstimulated. 
  • Sensitivity to fabrics and/or textures. Is your child suddenly tugging at their clothes? Are they scratching their body a lot? Do they seem to recoil from specific textures, like a hot leather car seat or the pavement? Sudden sensitivity to fabrics and textures is another warning sign of sensory overload, which is why we recommend packing some comfortable clothes in your sensory kit!

Using An Outdoor Sensory Path To Manage Children With Sensory Processing Disorders

Oh no! You've taken your child to the park and they are having a sensory overload episode. You turn to pull your sensory kit from your bag, only to discover you've forgotten it. Now what do you do?

Luckily, you notice a series of colorful patterns on one of the park's many walkways. One of the colorful patterns looks like a series of painted logs - another like bear prints. You wonder if it can help your child, who is now throwing a tantrum in the middle of the sandbox. Other parents are starting to stare.

ST Jump Logs

Quickly, you bring your child to this walkway. After a little quiet time away from the chaos of the playground, your child begins to interact with the patterns. Your child jumps from log to log, walks on their hands/feet like a bear. Within a few moments, your child has relaxed. You're amazed and left wondering what this amazing new thing is.

No worries: you needn't wonder. You've discovered the magic of outdoor sensory paths!

A sensory path is a colorful, creative, and playful way for kids to build connections in the brain that are responsible for sight, touch, sound, etc., which enable kids to complete complex, multi-stage tasks. A sensory path is a great way for kids to develop motor skills like balance, hand-eye coordination, and spatial awareness. However, you've found that outdoor sensory path, made with painted Reusable Stencils, have another added benefit, if utilized properly: they can be used to relax a child who is overstimulated.


The key here is re-focusing the child's overstimulated brain on something else - namely, the activities of the path. While it's important to first calm your child down if they are showing signs of overstimulation (such as throwing a tantrum, fidgeting, crying, etc.), the sensory path is a great transitional activity that can be used to re-introduce your child to the chaotic summer playground environment once everything is settled. Or, in a pinch - especially if your child is showing restlessness - the sensory path can be used to refocus their brains on their body, easing that unfocused restlessness.

Should you live near a park with one of these sensory tools, we recommend trying it out. Let us know how it goes!

Do you have a child with sensory processing disorder? If so, what are some precautions you take when going out?

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